Petty Crimes & Misdemeanors Attorney in Oakland

Petty crimes misdemeanors are small graded crimes that get conducted in Oakland, California. Even though these are petty crimes, at times not handling them in the right way can lead to serious consequences. Hence, it becomes essential to get in touch with a Petty Crimes Misdemeanors Attorney in Oakland for such cases.

Misdemeanor cases are something that is much less in terms of seriousness than felony cases. But it will be a mistake if you consider the petty not so serious. If you are not taking it seriously and it leads to heavier consequences, you may end up paying higher penalty fines and even may have to spend in prison. If you are someone who has been accused of such cases, you should not delay much and should immediately contact Petty Crimes Misdemeanors Attorney in Oakland.

The Petty Crimes Misdemeanors Attorney in Oakland is there to offer you the right suggestions and also fight for your rights so that you can be provided the support that you require in such a case.

Misdemeanors Crimes in California

A proper definition of Misdemeanors is any crime for which you get a sentence of a maximum of 365 imprisonments. Any crime for which you have been sentenced to imprisonment of more than 365 days is considered a felony crime. There are several such petty crimes for which you can get in touch with a Petty Crimes Misdemeanors Attorney in Oakland. Here are some examples such as petty crimes and misdemeanors.

  • DUI 
  • Public intoxication
  • Petty theft
  • Prostitution
  • Reckless driving
  • Violation of any order
  • Battery and assault
  • Trespassing
  • Keeping stolen properties
  • Suspended license
  • Bad conduct
  • Shoplifting
  • Probation violation
  • Domestic violence
  • Indecent Exposure
  • Disturbing peace
  • Simple possession of drugs

If you have been accused of any of these petty crimes, in place of trying to handle them all alone, it is better to get in touch with a proper Petty Crimes  Misdemeanors Attorney in Oakland. The attorney will help you in understanding your position in the case and will help in bringing you out of the situation as the earliest.

How do the Petty Crimes & Misdemeanors Attorney in Oakland fight?

Misdemeanor crimes can be stressful, especially for those who have faced a crime for the very first time. If you try to handle such a case alone, it may happen that you end up doing some more mistakes that can add up to your case. Hence, the right choice is to get in touch with a professional Petty Crimes & Misdemeanors Attorney in Oakland.

Here are the steps and methods of how a Petty Crimes & Misdemeanors Attorney in Oakland actually fight your case.

Request Appointment


Investigating the Case

The Petty Crimes & Misdemeanors Attorney in Oakland will first investigate the case to understand the whole scenario to see how much can be done to protect you from the crimes. It is essential for the attorney to do the homework in order to provide the right suggestions to the clients.

Honest Assessment

It is always the responsibility of the attorney to offer an honest assessment to the client. There is no point is offering false assurances when the condition is actually pathetic. When the Petty Crimes & Misdemeanors Attorney in Oakland offers the truth to the client, the client is also ready to face the consequences according to the situation.

Protecting your Rights

Even when you are at fault, it does not mean that your rights can be violated. If your rights have been violated by the police authorities at the jail or by the opposition, then it is the Petty Crimes & Misdemeanors Attorney in Oakland who is going to fight for your rights and will use this situation to reduce your punishment as well.

Challenging the case of the Prosecution

It is the duty of the Petty Crimes & Misdemeanors Attorney in Oakland to notice any loopholes in the arguments of the prosecution so that a better side of the client can be presented in the courtroom. The attorney will try always in such situations.

Advocating in the Court

Most importantly, the Petty Crimes & Misdemeanors Attorney in Oakland will fight the case on your behalf in the courtroom. If you are innocent, the attorney will fight to prove your innocence. But if you are at fault, the attorney will fight to reduce your punishment.

When you are convicted of a crime and it has been proven, it gets marked on your background record. But there are also now options through which you can seal the criminal record from your background check. This is possible based on various factors such as if you have not committed the crime intentionally or so on. You need to contact a proper Petty Crimes & Misdemeanors Attorney in Oakland to understand the clauses and then get such a thing done and get your background record free from your criminal records.

Penalties for Petty Crimes & Misdemeanors in Oakland

Though these are known as petty crimes, the law will offer some punishment and penalties to the culprit. Of course, the penalties and the punishments depend upon the type of crime that has been committed and the kind of damage that has been done because of the crime.

There are two categories of misdemeanor cases and these are known as standard misdemeanors and aggravated misdemeanors. The standard misdemeanors are extremely small crimes such as public intoxication and shoplifting for which you may get an imprisonment punishment of not more than 6 months.

Aggravated misdemeanors include crimes such as domestic battery, DUI, and others for which you may have to get imprisoned for a maximum of 364 days.

You can get in touch with a professional Petty Crimes & Misdemeanors Attorney in Oakland in box cases to find a better solution. If all the conditions are in your way, then you may go free but if you are found guilty, then at least the attorney saves you from imprisonment and you may get punished with other activities such as serving the community or so.

How to get the best Petty Crimes & Misdemeanors Attorney in Oakland

In order to get all the benefits offered by the Petty Crimes & Misdemeanors Attorney in Oakland it is important that you hire the best expert. Here are some of the essential qualities that you should surely check in the best Petty Crimes & Misdemeanors Attorney in Oakland.

Experience Matters

It is essential to check the experience of the attorney. An attorney with higher experience is always going to help you in winning the case or at least get a better position than before.

Count the Winning Cases

How do you know that the Petty Crimes & Misdemeanors Attorney in Oakland is someone who can actually help you win the case? You should check the number of winning cases of the attorney so that you can also gain confidence in the attorney for your case.

Get a Quote

Every service that you take comes with a price and so, you will have to pay a price also to get the services and support of the best Petty Crimes & Misdemeanors Attorney in Oakland. The only difference is that you can check and compare the fees before you actually hire them. Usually, when you are hiring an attorney from Andrews Law Offices, you can convenient fee payment structure so that you do not have to face financial burdens on you.

Moreover, if you wish to get the best results, it is important that you get the best Petty Crimes & Misdemeanors Attorney in Oakland. Of course, it is not an easy task to get hold of the best option in the race of so many attorneys available today. But you can always do your research and make a fair comparison to get through the one that is the best suited for your requirements.

Petty Crimes & Misdemeanors Attorney in Oakland

Petty crimes may seem small and not so serious but it will not take much time for them to become a serious problem, if not handled in the right way. The police authorities as well as the prosecution will try their best to put up more blames on you and ultimately the whole case can become even bigger.

When you are stuck up in a case, in place of ruining the situation, it is time to get in touch with a Petty Crimes & Misdemeanors Attorney in Oakland who will help you in coming out of the situation in a better way. Contact us at Andrews Law Offices and you will get the best attorney expert who will offer you consultation, guidance, and support for your case.