Criminal Immigration Defense Lawyer in Oakland

Many people from different parts of the world travel to California today for various purposes such as higher studies or a better livelihood. Such people need to fulfill proper immigration and also need to follow the rules and regulations extra than the general citizens of the country. But somehow if you fall into a trap that leads you to imprisonment for some kind of charges, then the very first thing that you need to do is to contact a proper Criminal Immigration Defense Lawyer in Oakland.

Today, Oakland has become home to many immigrants and many of them often face troubles for which they need to face legal consequences. At Andrews Law Offices, we have a team of Criminal Immigration Defense lawyers in Oakland who have been offering support to people in such cases. While there are some people who have actually committed a crime, there can be also some others who are actually innocent but are accused of a false crime. We will offer you the best Criminal Immigration Defense Lawyer in Oakland to help you come out of such a situation with ease.

Criminal Immigration Defense Cases in Oakland

Our team at Andrews Law Offices has solved different cases related to immigration and has saved many lives till now. Here are some common criminal immigration cases that our Criminal Immigration Defense Lawyer in Oakland has handled so far.

Illegal Entry to the Country

While most people have proper rights to enter the country, there are also some people who may enter the country illegally in the first place and then look around for options to gain citizenship. If you are someone among them and have been caught by the officials, then there is a high chance that you will be deported from the US. Apart from this, illegal entry to the US is also a criminal offense and you may have to spend at least 2 years in jail. Contacting a Criminal Immigration Defense Lawyer in Oakland in the first place will help you with your documentation and also in clearing your immigration.

Committing a Crime

If you are someone who is not a citizen of the US and you have committed a crime, it is most likely that you may be deported from the country. It may happen that you have your job and family in the country and getting deported is going to create huge trouble for you. Hence, it is always better to contact a Criminal Immigration Defense Lawyer in Oakland as soon as you hear about any accusations against you. In fact, it is always better to keep the contact details of the Criminal Immigration Defense Lawyer in Oakland ready for such situations.

Immigration Fraud

Immigration fraud is a huge crime in not just California but in any country across the world. There can be several types of fraudulence activities related to immigration that a person may get involved in such as the forgery of documents. As the crime is considered huge, the punishment is also very serious. The culprit held responsible for immigration fraud can be sentenced to an imprisonment of 5 years or a fine of $250,000. Also, the culprit may get deported from the country. If you have got trapped in such a case, you should immediately get in touch with a Criminal Immigration Defense Lawyer in Oakland to get the right solution at the right time.

Steps to Follow after an arrest in Oakland

If you have got accused and arrested for any of the immigration crimes, creating any further scene can complicate the whole situation. An expert Criminal Immigration Defense Lawyer in Oakland will suggest you a few crucial steps to follow after an arrest.

Do Not Resist

It is understood that many times some people are innocent and are accused of false allegations. But fighting during the time of arrest is not going to help, rather it may put some serious blame on the person. Hence, the best way is to get the help of a Criminal Immigration Defense Lawyer in Oakland and fight the case in court in a fair way.

Remain Silent

The Californian Law offers you the right to remain silent under an arrest. You do not have to answer the questions of the police authorities. It may happen that the authorities may use your simple sentence in a tweaked way against you to make you look guilty in the case. So, you should maintain silence and demand your Criminal Immigration Defense Lawyer in Oakland.

Request Appointment


Contact a Criminal Immigration Defense Lawyer in Oakland

The final step is to contact and hire the best Criminal Immigration Defense Lawyer in Oakland for the case. A professional lawyer knows how to handle such cases and will help you in coming out of the situation if you are innocent. Even if you are not innocent, the Criminal Immigration Defense Lawyer in Oakland will study the case and will urge the court to reduce the punishment according to the crime committed and other circumstances.

If you are following the above-mentioned steps, the chances are high that you will come out of the case much faster.

How does a Criminal Immigration Defense Lawyer in Oakland help?

Many people are not aware of the fact that a Criminal Immigration Defense Lawyer in Oakland can help you in the most efficient way if you are arrested for an immigration crime case. Here are some of the eminent steps that the lawyer follows to help you.

Having a Discussion

The very start is to have a discussion where the Criminal Immigration Defense Lawyer in Oakland listens to your side of the story and then explains to you the punishment you can go through and the chances that you have in hand. This is the most important step and the lawyer can help you in the best possible way if you are honest and transparent with the professional.

Investigates the Case

Even though the lawyer listens to your story, the expert will investigate the case to get a clear picture and get an unbiased idea of the case. This helps in understanding the case in a much better way and the lawyer is able to help you in a much more efficient way.

Finds Witness and Loopholes

The next important step that the Criminal Immigration Defense Lawyer in Oakland takes is to find witnesses in your support so that you can have some weightage in the courtroom. Also, the lawyer will try to find out some loopholes in the witnesses as well as arguments of the prosecution to bring you in a positive picture to a certain extent.

Builds a Strategy

Winning such a tricky case is not an easy task. Hence, the Criminal Immigration Defense Lawyer in Oakland will build strategies and will share them with you. If you are innocent, going by such strategies helps a lot in proving your innocence much faster. 

Tackles the Case in the Court

Most importantly, the Criminal Immigration Defense Lawyer in Oakland tackles your case in the courtroom to either prove you innocent or to reduce your punishment. The lawyer fights the arguments of the prosecution and will try till the end to bring the case in your support.

You are wrong if you think that hiring a Criminal Immigration Defense Lawyer in Oakland is going to increase your expenses. It may happen that you win the case with the help of the lawyer and you do not have to pay a fine to the state. In this way, in return for a small fee amount to the lawyer, you get saved from the huge fine that you were supposed to pay. Of course, the criminal mark on your record is something that is going to cost you your whole life, if not resolved. So, it is better to hire a Criminal Immigration Defense Lawyer in Oakland, especially when you are innocent.

Criminal Immigration Defense Lawyer in Oakland

Handling immigration crime can get extremely difficult, especially when you do not have anyone in your support in an unknown country. You are no more alone when you have got the support of the best Criminal Immigration Defense Lawyer in Oakland. You can get the best professionals at Andrews Law Offices and can be assured that you will get the best support for your case. Just talk to us about the case and our professionals will help you with the best options. We have been offering solutions to such cases for a long time and will be happy to extend our help and support to you also in a similar way.